Jeevan Arogya is a unique non ULIP Health Insurance plan which provides health insurance cover against certain specified health risks and provides you with timely support incase of medical emergencies and helps you and your family remain financially independent in difficult times.
A non unit linked health plan offering health cover up to 80 years.
Single Health policy for self, Wife, children, parents and parents-in-law.
Existing medi-claim policy holders can take this policy and claim according to their elegiblility.
Premium paid will be eligible for Tax exemption under section 80D up to 15,000/- (Rs. 30,000/- if parents are covered).
Valuable financial protection in case of hospitalisation, surgery etc.,
Increasing Health cover every year,
Lumpsum benefit irrespective of actual medical costs,
No claim benefit
Flexible premium payment options
LIC's Mediclaim plan - Jeevan Arogya 903
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