Need Based Selling Steps
Obtain the name, address, and tel: no & one/two reasons to contact that person.
Setting an appointment:
Ask for appointment under favorable condition on telephone or face to face.
Initial interview:
Establish rapport, explain the purpose & get agreement to proceed with the gathering of pertinent information about prospect.
Fact finding interview:
Ask questions to uncover the needs. This may include goals, priorities, and attitudes. Not just fact & figures, obtain money commitment & arrange next interview
Analyzing & Planning:
Send follow up note to the prospect, analyze data secured & prepare recommendations for needs you can solve with your product & service.
Closing interview:
Review the facts discovered in fact finding interview, present recommendations, handle objections, and ask for the order.
Complete the proposal form & all medical and other u/w requirements that are needed to get the proposal completed.
Deliver the policy:
Reaffirm the decision to buy. Reinforce the benefits. Set up next sale and obtain referred leads.
Need Based Selling Steps for life Insurance
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