Age Proof
The existing underwriting rules regarding age proof have been reviewed and it has been
decided to revise the rules as shown below:
1. Standard Age Proof
Horoscopes maintained by a Hindu Family in a Bahi or family horoscope book can be
considered as standard age proof provided Manager (NB) is satisfied with its
reliability and originality.
The other existing standard age proofs will continue to be standard age proofs for the
purpose of age admission.
2. Non-Standard Age Proof (NSAP)
It has been decided to classify non-standard age proofs into three categories as shown
NSAP – 1 – will include
a. Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card issued by Income-tax
b. Driving Licence issued by RTO
c. Election (Voter) Identity Card
d. Ration Card
Special conditions applicable to NSAP – I:
a. Non-standard age proof extra will not be charged
b. Plans involving term insurance elements and whole life (Table No. 2) will be
c. Term Rider and Critical Illness Rider will be allowed up to a cover of Rs. 2 lakh.
d. There will be no restrictions on maximum age at entry and maturity / premium
ceasing age.
e. Maximum policy / premium paying term will be restricted to 25 years only
NSAP – II – will include
a. E.S.I.S. Card
b. Marriage Certificate in the case of Muslims
c. Service Record where age is not verified at the time of entry into service or
where only year of birth is mentioned
Special conditions applicable to NSAP – II:
a. Age proof Extra equivalent to Class I extra, subject to a minimum of Rs. 1.50 %0
will be charged.
b. Plans involving term insurance element, whole life (Table No. 2), Term Rider and
Critical Illness Rider – will not be allowed. However, Bima Plus plan (Table No.
140) may be allowed.
c. Under Table No. 152 (Jeevan Rekha) premium paying mode for life will not be
d. Maximum age at entry will not exceed 50 years (nearest birthday) of age
e. Maximum Policy / premium paying term will be restricted to 25 years
f. Maximum maturity age / premium ceasing age will be restricted to 65 years
NSAP – III – will include
a. Horoscope other than that maintained by a Hindu Family in a Bahi or family
horoscope book
b. Elder’s Declaration (Form No. 3261)
c. Self Declaration (Form No. 5220 Stamped)
d. Self Declaration (Form No. 5096 – Unstamped)
e. Certificate issued by village panchayat
f. Any other proof not classified as standard as above
Special conditions applicable to NSAP – III:
a. Age proof Extra equivalent to Class I extra, subject to a minimum of Rs. 1.50 %0
will be charged
b. Plans involving term assurance element, whole life (Table No. 2), Term Rider and
Critical Illness Rider – will not be allowed. However, Bima Plus Plan (Table No.
140) may be allowed.
c. Under Table No. 152 (Jeevan Rekha) premium paying mode for life will not be
d. Maximum age at entry will not exceed 50 years (nearest birthday) of age
e. Maximum Policy / premium paying term will be restricted to 25 years
f. Maximum maturity age / premium ceasing age will be restricted to 65 years
g. Maximum insurance cover will be restricted to Rs. one lakh
h. The date of birth may be taken as follows when self-declarations are
- If the date of birth is stated in the declaration, then the same may be taken
as it is.
- If the month alone of birth is stated in the declaration, then 15th of the month
stated may be taken as the date of birth.
- If the year alone of birth is stated in the declaration, then First July of the
year stated may be taken as the date of birth.
The above instructions come into force with immediate effect.
Age Proof in LIC
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